Wednesday, May 11, 2011

friends forever

I have read a lot in books and seen in movies about friends and I really had some good ones right from the beginning in form of Avinash, Saurabh, Anurag, Vivek and Nitin but what I experienced in 6 last month or so is surreal and am not been able to control this urge to write down something about friends..

Whenever the chips are down and going seems to get tougher, they are the force who helps you to keep going, when the world seems standing against you it feels really great to have them by your side all the time and whenever your self belief seems to be shaking they are the ones who helps you  to get it again in the right place ...

In this crappy world where people always forget your good work and remember you always by your last mistake, they are the ones who hold their trust in you and identify you by “what you are” and not by the “circumstances you are in”..When everybody else just looks at “what you did”, they are the ones who dare to think “why you did it” and that’s what justifies their faith in you.... Now I can understand why Socrates and Jesus sacrificed themselves...from where they derived the courage to die for their beliefs... it’s all because they were surrounded by the people who believed in them and when someone believes in you this strongly, it gives you the courage to stand tall and talk straight... 

Being with friends is the only time during which you can afford to become what you are...their sheer presence gives you the sense of comfort and sets you free from all the doubts you had about yourself and suddenly u begin to understand the meaning of “living in the present”..

In every person’s life love and friendship are two most desirable aspects...I haven’t experienced the love which I have seen in movies or read in novels yet but I can say with great surety that I have experienced friendship to its peak, I had never thought that someday somebody will back me so strongly, stand for me in every situation, believe in me and will make me feel special for what I am...I’ve got that somebody in the form of Toshu, Vineet, Prasahant, Sumit and Piyush..I’ll never forget the time I shared with these guys, how we used to come to coll. just to go to vineet’s room where all worries and problems  seem to disappear, how our group of 6 used to convert into of 10 with inclusion of Ajay, Anuj, Alok and Arun (vineet’s room mates) and how nobody wanted to leave, shared thoughts that nobody could have shared with anyone else, partying whole night and then those talks just before sleep and how can I forget those fights for getting their place to sleep....

College life is about to end but I don’t believe that I’ll get separated from these guys, they will always remain in my heart, I’ll see them in my each and every dream and would thank them for providing me such a great time, for providing me the days of my life, for making me believe that all those fairy tales about friends are not an exaggeration and most importantly for providing me my “ENTOURAGE”...


  1. 1st of all thanks 4r being my frnd...........and one thing is that we are always be together no seperation at all ....don't think like seprtion buddy......

  2. its my pleasure to read ur blogers...thnks
    bt friendship forever rkhne k liye frnds k trust ko kbhi hurt matt krna.. plz... bb..bye..

  3. when u had posted ur second blog u told me dt ds will b ur nxt blog n since dt time i was waiting for ds one. Now at last u have done grt job....heads off buddy
