Saturday, September 19, 2015

ये शामें

ये शामें अक्सर कशमकश मे गुज़रती हैं,
जद्दोज़हद में गुज़रती है,
कभी बिना रुके, बिना थमे, दबे पाँव,
चुपचाप सरकती ज़िंदगी से,
कुछ पल अपने लिए भी चुरा लेने की कोशिशों  में,
कभी खुद को खोजने में,
तो कभी अपनों को तलाशने में,
कभी ज़िम्मेदारियों के बोझ तले दबी,
ख्वाहिशों की सिसकियों को सुनने में,
तो कभी अपने ही अंदर घर चुके आँधियारे से लड़ने में,
बस कुछ इस तरह ही गुज़रती हैं ये शामें|

                                                                       ये शामें हर रोज़ अपने घर से निकलती हैं,
                                                                       कभी उस मंज़िल की तलाश में,
                                                                       जहाँ पंहुच कर सुकून मिले,
                                                                       तो कभी उस मंज़र की फिराक़ मे ,
                                                                       जिसे देख,
                                                                       हर ख्वाब मुकम्मल लगे,
                                                                       तो कभी उस पल, उस लम्हे की आस मे,
                                                                       जिसे जी कर ज़िंदगी पूरी सी लगे|

कभी कभी ये शामें सुकून की तलाश में,
यादों के गलियारों मे भी जाया करती हैं,
कभी बचपन की मासूमियत, बेफिक्री को,
नज़दीक से निहारा करती हैं,
तो कभी यारों के संग,
महफ़िल जमाया करती हैं,
कभी महबूब की गलियों मे गुज़रती हैं,
तो कभी माँ की गोदी में सर रखकर,
लोरियाँ सुनकर आया करती हैं|

                                                                     ये शामें कुछ बेचैन सी रहती हैं,
                                                                     अक्सर बेचैनी का सबब भी तलाशा करती हैं,
                                                                     ये गुमनामी के अंधेरों से डरती हैं,
                                                                     डरती हैं,
                                                                     कि इनके गुज़र जाने के बाद,
                                                                     इन्हे अतीत के दरिया मे बहा दिया जाएगा,
                                                                     इन्हे किसी अंधियारी कोटरी मे,
                                                                     किसी बेनाम बक्से मे बंद कर,
                                                                     दफ़ना दिया जाएगा,
                                                                     इन्हे डर ये भी है कि,
                                                                     कहीं इनका हश्र भी उन अनगिनत शामों जैसा ना हो,
                                                                     आज जिनके न तो आने का चर्चा है,
                                                                     ना ही जाने का ज़िक्र,
                                                                     ना तो उनके अस्तित्व का पता है,
                                                                     ना ही वजूद का ठिकाना,
                                                                     इसीलिए, इन शामों में,
                                                                     एक खलिश सी रहती है,
                                                                     ये शामें कुछ बेचैन सी रहती है|

ये शामें भले ही गमज़दा हैं,
पर इन्होने उम्मीद का दामन छोड़ा नही है,
ये थकी हैं, हारी नहीं हैं,
इन्हे यकीं है कि,
ये अपनी मंज़िल पाएँगी,
लाखों की भीड़ मे,
अपना एक अलग मुकाम बनाएँगी,
इनकी दास्तां लोगों के ज़हन में,
महक बनकर एक अरसे तक रहेगी,
गर ये दफ़ना भी गयी तो,
उस मिट्टी क़ी पैदाइश,
पौधे का फूल बनकर,
इस दुनिया को फिर महकाएँगी,
गर इस ज़ुस्तज़ू मे,
ये शामें गुज़र भी गयी तो,
अपना आधूरा ख्वाब पूरा करने,
ये शामें फिर आएँगी,
ये शामें फिर आएँगी|

Monday, September 7, 2015

Karma is a Bitch

They say Karma is a bitch(I don't know who 'they' are, I don't even know if they exist or not, but for I don't know who said it, I assume it's always safe to say 'they said it'). It's true, it's absolutely true. In fact upon contemplating on it (yeah! in that pose in which thinkers or philosophers lean on their study table and position their face as if they are looking at some distant object) I found that the concept of Karma in itself is a total bitch. So the concept is (or you can say 'as the legend goes' to give narrative an epic touch) that Good intent and good deed contribute to good karma(good karma gets credited and bad karma gets debited), while bad intent and bad deed contribute to bad karma(Bad karma gets credited and good karma gets debited) (and that makes God a hell of an accountant!) and to complement that concept there must be some sort of compilations of the repercussions and rewards one gets on accumulating a specific amount of bad karma or good karma respectively( and in that way God gives our law makers a run for their money too!) Now that the concept of Karma is clear to us, let's discuss how it'd work in real world. Suppose a person A does something morally wrong (bad news for the poor guy, bad Karma just got credited to his account). Now that the person has accumulated Bad Karma, there should be a repercussion to it and to inflict that repercussion there must be a carrier or agent of some sort (we'll use word 'agent' from here on to give our narrative a 'spy movie' touch). Suppose our agent has a name(yeah! You guessed it right, it's 'B'). Now that B has punished A for his bad Karma, he has acquired some bad Karma in the process too (It's really hard to think of any good way to punish someone in real world) and for that he also has to face repercussions. To inflict repercussions on B, enters ours agent C ( untill and unless A and B decides to punish each other recursively and turn their enmity into a Gangs of wasseypur sort of revenge saga) and hence D, E, F and so on. So we see that the bad Karma of A triggered a chain of Bad Karma and in this way the whole lot gained Bad Karma and created a vicious cycle of Bad Karma and repercussions. Same argument can be extended to Good Karma also. But the point worth noting is that the concept of Karma triggers an endless chain which makes the whole set to be a Good one or Bad one. This argument seems to consolidate itself when we see it in light of relatively small finite numbers. Suppose there are only two persons X and Y (fortunately no more A and B, sigh!) in a sample and X acquired Bad Karma then the onus to punish him is solely on Y and thus Y has to acquire Bad Karma to upheld the concept of Karma(this had been the main theme of many Amitabh Bachchan movies in 70's and 80's) Let's take another example. Suppose there are 10 persons in a sample and one of them acquired Bad Karma. Now to upheld the concept of Karma anyone out of the remaining nine has to punish A and that triggers a chain of events in which the last one (though he might have accumulated some good Karma) has no option but to acquire the Bad Karma finally to punish the others and eventually becoming one of them ( Yugpurush's change of heart or rather soul can be partially attributed to this!) So we can see that the concept of Karma is self propagating one and there are numerous cases in real world where we can see it working evidently, like violence triggers more violence, fanaticism triggers more fanaticism. Same goes with terrorism, Religious bigotry, lies, deceit etc. As I've said it earlier that the same argument can also be extended to Good Karma but here's the tricky or you can say fun part. In every religion it's very easy to acquire the Bad Karma, infact according to various religions beliefs even trivial things in day to day life would fetch Bad Karma like cutting nails or shaving on Tuesday and Saturday, listening to music and drinking wine, even unconsciously killing ants or insects count as bad Karma. Hence, One has no option but to lead most austere and ascetic life in order to acquire sufficient good Karma whereas every attempt to lead a materialistic life will acquire some bad Karma and in this way Bad Karma will outweigh and outnumber the good Karma by far. Bad Karma will trigger and fetch more Bad Karma in self propagating manner and create this never ending vicious cycle of Bad karmas and repercussions and fill this world with more and more of Bad Karma. So either this Karma thing is a big time fake, hoax and among those abstract concepts which humanity have invented with no concrete base or we are living in a world that is very bad place to live on and is doomed with no hope for Good.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Love is not a game : You lose, if you play by rules

Boy's Diary :

27 Feb 2015:

I love chatting with her. My writing skills comes really handy while chatting with her. It provides me some time along with a chance to think and come with witty replies. It is different game altogether contrast to when i talk to her face to face. She's very beautiful with vibrant smile and glowing face. She talks in this soothing and articulated manner. I behave like a fu****g school kid in front of her. I have to stop talking to her face to face, otherwise things won't go too far and I'll ruin everything. There is only one way to win her heart and that is through my writing skills. This is my only chance of getting her. So From now on there will be no face to face conversations, only chatting.

8 March 2015:

I did good by not talking to her much last week. I've been avoiding these face to face encounters as much as possible. I think she is interested in me and my strategy is working as she did approached me quite a few times last week and tried to get me into conversations. But I think I managed it quite well by cutting them short. On the other hand, I enjoyed chatting with her during this week and I was on a roll. I dominated each and every conversation we had and i really think she is really impressed with me. Now that I've got the required momentum, I should build upon that and sweep her off her feet in coming days.

19 March 2015:

She is not chatting much lately. Every time I ping her, either she doesn't reply or quit the chat early. It's almost like she doesn't want to chat with me. Few days back, it was all going so great. I don't know what went wrong after that. I think there's someone else in her life or may be she has lost interest in me. May be I'm not witty enough now. May be I've lost my charm, my magic. I can't handle this. I can't see her drifting away.I don't know what to do now. It's all hazy. Please help me God.

Girls diary :

28 Feb 2015 :

There is this guy I met recently in the office. Such a brilliant guy. On every topic he has a say. He  doesn't leave any topic. He writes and he writes beautifully. He maintains a blog. His poems are so aesthetic. When I chat with him i really have to use my brain most of the time. I behave like a school girl while chatting with him. But in face to face conversations I think I have an edge. He looks vulnerable while talking. I really have to stop chatting with him otherwise I will not be able to impress him. The only way I can impress him is through my looks. He looks intimidated by my looks every single time we have conversations. So from now on there are no chats only face to face talks.