Sunday, January 19, 2020

No one understands you completely and it's Okay.

In this world, nobody will be able understand you completely and it’s not their fault. You also don’t understand anyone completely and it’s not your fault. In fact, it’s nobody’s fault.

First of all, everybody have this worldview which they have constructed and nurtured over the years and they try to see everything and everyone according to their worldview. They will judge according to their set of biases. They are not going to put aside their prejudices and confirmations for you. It will require a great deal of time, effort and mental space on their part to understand you; let’s be honest, nobody’s got that much time and energy to spare on (insignifant) you.

Secondly, even if they are ready to make an effort to understand you by putting aside their biases; even if their intentions are pure; even if their worldview matches your; still, they just can’t understand you completely. It’s just simply not possible and it’s neither their fault nor yours.

Further, even after all the efforts, they can only understand you in binaries. Either you confirm to their bias or not. You’d come across as a guy/girl who’s happy or not happy, good or not good, hardworking or not hardworking, sincere or not sincere, honest or not honest, politically correct or not correct, introvert or extrovert, religious or not religious etc.

Only you know yourself completely. You know that you’re part liberal part conservative. You’re part witty & funny and part sad. You’re part absolutely original and part a little bit fake. You’re part courageous and part a coward. Part of you sees hope in everything and part of you has lost it all. You hold multiple views simultaneously.

You are a manifestation of all these diverse views that you have acquired over your journey of life. It’s your journey. They have seen only a part of it. They have seen your beginning, your destination and some major milestones, but they didn’t witness the whole of it. They didn’t see the demons you fought in the darkness of the night. They didn’t see you lying on the bed for hours, struggling to sleep. They didn’t see the sacrifices you made to come this far. They can’t notice the restlessness that you feel inside constantly. They see you as only ‘one’ and they are not aware that ‘thousands of you’ exist inside you.

People will not understand that and they will always try to tag you with their preconceived notions. So, don’t worry about what people think about you, they don’t know you completely. No matter how closed they are to you. Whether they are in the form of spouse, parents, children or best of your friends, they don’t know you. They will never be able to know you, just like you won’t be able to know them.  It’s not their fault, it’s not yours either.

The world is built that way. Information about you will always travel in binaries to them and you just cannot do anything about it. Nobody will be able to understand you in the way you see yourself. I know it’s sad but it doesn’t matter. Don’t take their judgment to your heart. It should not matter to you what they think of you. Don’t confirm to their biases. They don’t know you, only you know yourself.

In this world, where no person can understand the other one completely, the best we can do is to show a bit more empathy towards each other. There are all kinds of people in the world, we should accept that fact and we should avoid this tendency of judging people at all cost. We should meet people with smiling faces, broad minds and open arms.

Whenever people around us do something unexpected, we should be more forgiving about that, for it represents only a part of their personality & not the whole of it. We should develop a better and deeper understanding of the human nature and should accept the fact that a person can possess multiple views simultaneously and that none of the viewpoints held by that person defines the person completely. We should understand that personalities are not just black and white; they come in all kinds of shades.

Finally, on one hand, we should never be bothered about the opinion of others about us as no one in this world understands us completely, on the other hand, we should be more caring and empathetic in our approach towards others, for they are already consumed in fighting their inner battles. PEACE.

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